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Grandma's Herbs

Herbal Colon Cleanser and Tonic

Herbal Colon Cleanser and Tonic

Regular price $17.78 USD
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Senna Seed:

  • Traditionally people in northern Africa and southwestern Asia have used senna as a digestive purge or cleanser for centuries. It was considered a "cleansing" herb because of its cathartic (purging - cleansing) effect.
  • Senna is a popular herb with certain health benefits. The leaf and the seed are the most common parts of the plant to use.
  • Some of the active constituents are compounds called anthraquinones, which are powerful and effective cleansers.
  • Senna is also used by some for other purposes. One of which is weight loss.
  • Senna is an herb that is known world wide. We believe that its popularity comes from the results people experience when used when digestion slows.
  • Researchers have found that active compounds, called sennosides, in senna. Sennosides work by promoting colon contractions which of course facilitates or promotes healthy bowel movements.
  • Senna may also prevent water and electrolytes from being reabsorbed by the colon. This action is thought to increase fluid available in the intestines which may soften fecal matter or stools.

  • Cascara Sagrada:

  • The literal Spanish translation of Cascara Segrada is Sacred Bark.
  • This is the name given to the plant by the Spanish Priests.
  • There are two possible reasons for the name.
  • One is that the bark was dried and used as a laxative or purgative by the priests.
  • The other is that the wood closely resembles the wood used to build the ark of the covenant.
  • Cascara Sagrada has active componants called anthraquinones.
  • The anthraquinones and phytochemicals in Cascara Sagrada are thought to work as peristaltic stimulents.
  • These anthraquinones may be the reason that Cascara is used to promote healthy bowel movements. They stimulate the peristoltic muscles and thereby assist in the elimination of fecal matter from the colon.
  • Peristaltic muscles flex in a wave-like motion in the intestines. The wave-like motion causes fecal matter to move through the bowel to facilitate a healthy bowel movement.
  • Cascara bark also contains resins, tannins and lipids
  • Purging/ cleansing the bowel is cascara sagrada’s claim to fame. Having similar active constituents to Senna makes this a very synergistic herb for purging the lower GI (gastrointestinal tract).
  • Cascara Sagrada also has phytochemicals like aloe-emodin, casanthranol,chrysophanic acid and beta carotene. these are thought to assist with the purgative actions of the herb as well.
  • While cleansing and purging the bowel in the elimination process Cascara Sagrada (Sacred Bark) also provides healthy micro-nutrients.
  • Cascara Sagrada contains healthy micro nutrients, calcium, iron, linoliec acid, magnesium, manganese, potasium and zinc to name a few. Plus a good helping of vitamin B complex and C

  • Aloe Vera:

  • Aloe vera has been known for its healing properties for at least 6,000 years. In the early days, the plant was known for being a “plant of immortality” and was presented to Egyptian pharaohs as a funeral gift.
  • Over time, groups from many geographical areas have used aloe vera, including Indians, Chinese, Mexicans, and North Americans.
  • There are two medicinally useful parts of the aloe vera plant.
  • First, the leaves are filled with a clear gel. This gel is extracted from the plant and usually used on the skin to treat burns and various skin conditions. The gel can also be found in liquid or capsule form and taken orally.
  • The second substance the plant produces is called aloe latex. This is the yellow pulp that’s found just under the outer part of the plant leaf. Aloe latex has been shown to be useful for healthy bowel movements
  • Aloe latex contains aloin, which is an anthraquinone. As mentioned above anthraquinones are thought to work as peristaltic stimulents.
  • Aloe is safe to consume orally. It is thought that is provides the same soothing actions for the freshly cleansed colon as it provides for the skin when applied topically. When combining that with the purgative properties it is easy to see that Aloe Vera is a great herb vital to put in a healthy colon cleanse formula.

  • Gentian:

  • Gentian (Gentiana lutea) is a bitter herb that has been used as an herbal supplement throughout Europe for over 2,000 years.
  • Gentian is a bitter herb thought to stimulate digestion by increasing saliva production and promoting stomach acid and digestive enzyme production.
  • There’s some evidence that Gentian can stimulate the secretion of enzymes in the small intestines and increase gastric secretion, which makes breaking down foods and absorbing nutrients easier.

  • Calendula:

  • Calendula has an abundance of flavonoids which are antioxidants. These plant-based antioxidants protect cells from free radical damage.
  • Calendula has may also increase blood flow to assist in oxigenating and soothing irritated tissue.

  • Butternut Bark: 

  • Butternut bark is not from the squash like one would think. The butternut bark actually comes from the White Walnut Tree. Its natural habitat is in the northeast portion of North America.
  • The Native Americans used the bark of the tree to promote healthy digestion.
  • Some people have used butternut as “a tonic.” A tonic is defined as a restorative meaning that it promotes general health and well-being.
  • Butternut bark has mild cathartic properties and was used as an herbal supplement during the American Revolution. 

  • Licorice Root:

  • Centuries ago, licorice root was used in Greece, China, and Egypt for to promote proper digestion and to support healthy lung function.
  • Licorice root also has been used as a sweetener.
  • The traditions of the past have carried over into modern times. Today, people use licorice root as a dietary supplement to support proper digestion.

  • The information above is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect or relate to the performance or purpose of any products that contain similar materials.

    * "Herbal supplements are not drugs. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."*

    Help Me Choose:

    When reading this article please keep in mind that supplements are not drugs. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These articles are truly for your information.

    Is it really that important to cleanse the colon? YES!

  • The colon is part of the large intestine, the final part of the digestive system.
  • There are four sections of the colon. It represents about twenty percent of the digestive tract and is roughly five feet long.
  • The four sections are the descending colon, ascending colon, transverse colon, and sigmoid colon.
  • The colon has two main tasks or functions.
  • First is to remove and process any nutrients remaining in the digested material that just moved through the rest of the digestive tract.
    Second is to reabsorb fluids and process the waste products by preparing fecal matter for elimination. It truly has the dirtiest job of the digestive tract.

  • What causes the colon to function poorly?

  • Starchy, processed, sugary foods are a serious problem for the colon to handle.
  • Sedentary (inactive) lifestyles are another contributor to colons that don't function properly.
  • Lack of fiber (fresh vegitables, fruit and whole grains) in a daily diet.

  • What happens in the colon when it stops functioning properly?

  • If the colon or bowel system isn’t working properly... not everything gets pushed out.
  • Gradually the residue coats the walls of the colon with some of the world’s best glue.
  • The glue keeps the nourishment from getting to the bloodstream.
  • The waste can become a toxic liquid and gets back into the bloodstream.
  • Every tissue in the body is fed by the bloodstream, so when the colon becomes toxic we have a condition where the body is fed toxins rather than nutrients.
  • Logically this taxes the immune system and verify's that the bowel [colon] has to be cared for to live the healthiest of lives.
  • A toxic colon produces undesirable consequences and is the root cause of many of today’s health issues

  • The information above is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect or relate to the performance or purpose of any products on this website.

    * "Herbal supplements are not drugs. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."*

    Health Information:

    There are so many reasons that a person needs to participate in a colon cleanse regimen.

    If you want a visual, just think of the plumbing pipes below your bathroom sink. Every day you stand in front of the mirror and get yourself ready for the day. For some that means hair gel, hairspray, and the hair that breaks off or falls out ends up in the sink and eventually down the drain. Without cleaning it out once in a while the inside becomes clogged with hair made sticky with the goop that we use to style it. Plus, there's the soap scum and the tooth paste that also contribute to the mess in the drain. The worst mornings are the ones that instead of the water in the sink draining freely it hardly drains and can even stop allowing water to flow through at all. Maintenance is the key to keeping your bathroom sink drain clean, clear of debris and working properly.

    Similarly, the digestive tract (the colon and bowel) need to be cleansed of all of the debris building up in it for it to work properly. Believe it or not some of the food we eat is sticky and can, over time, clog up the internal workings of the digestive tract. The clogging is called constipation and can make even impugn the immune system. It can also slow the metabolism process. That means that while you're are getting less from the food you are also probably gaining weight. Nothing good comes from a poorly functioning colon.

    Did you know that your small intestine is roughly 23 feet long and can hold over 20 pounds of partially digested food?

    That's a long tunnel with a lot of twists and turns in it. It seems like a great place for something to get jammed up in the works and cause everything else to move through slower than it should.

    A cleansed and maintained colon can break down food and extract the nutrients more efficiently. A digestive tract that is healthy and working properly can increase your metabolism, and even improve the strength of your immune system. Without a cleansing regimen the colon can slow the digestion process, the side walls can become coated or caked with plaque deposits which effect how efficiently food moves through all of the twists and turns in the colon. A slowed less efficient digestion system allows fecal matter to remain in the colon. It can then become rotten and toxic. At this point not only is your immune system being starved of nutrients, but it is having to fight against the toxins produced by the putrid fecal matter. Once these conditions are present it becomes imperative to "UNCLOG" or cleanse your digestive tract. Some people use enemas and other very intrusive processes to get the desired results.

    Just like with the sink drain, a simple maintenance program, A COLON CLEANSE might help to avoid all of the over the top programs some people participate in. What we are saying is the best way to promote health in your colon in the first place is to have a cleansing or maintenance regimen that keeps your pipes (your colon) clean, clear and healthy.

    The information above is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect or relate to the performance or purpose of any products on this website.

    * "Herbal supplements are not drugs. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."*

    If you are already suffering from a slowing digestive tract a colon cleanse might be worth a try. It's worked for millions so far it just might work for you.


    Cascara Sagrada (bark), Senna (herb), Aloe Vera (leaf), Buckthorn (bark), Licorice (root), Psyllium (husk & seed), Rhubarb (root), Alfalfa (leaf), Calamus (root), Barberry (root bark), Black Walnut (leaf), Butternut (bark), Dandelion (root), Flax (seed meal), Gentian (root), Marshmallow (root), Plantain (leaves), Prunes, Red Clover (hops), Sage Brush (leaf), Slippery Elm (bark), Blue Flag (root), Blue Vervain (herb), Calendula (flowers), Chamomile (flowers), Chicory (herb), Clove (bud), Fennel (seed), Ginger (root), Red Raspberry (leaves), Yucca (herb), Wahoo (herb)


    For best results use in conjunction with SUPER LAX. Take 1 HERBAL COLON CLEANSER each morning and enough SUPER LAX each evening to have daily bowel movements. If taking HERBAL COLON CLEANSER alone you may take up to two to three each morning and one to two each night depending on what works best for you.

    What’s Included:

    1 Bottle of Grandma's Herbs HERBAL COLON CLEANSER & TONIC

  • 100 Capsules 

  • Features:

    Supports a healthy colon function.

  • Contains aloe vera and calcium rich herbs to promote health and well-being.
  • Promotes the removal waste build-up.

  • The information above is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect or relate to the performance or purpose of any products on this website.

    * "Herbal supplements are not drugs. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."*

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