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Grandma's Herbs

Liver Cleanse

Liver Cleanse

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Herbs that are historically beneficial to the liver and healthy liver function.

Dandelion Root: 

Dandelion grows in nearly all parts of the world.

In Germany and France Dandelion is cultivated as a crop and used as food as well as an herb for health.

Dandelion contains Sesquiterpine Lactones,Triterpenes and Polysaccarides.

It is a natural source of sodium, calcium and potassium.

It also contains iron, phosphorus, nickel, copper, and zinc.

  • Dandelions have 7,000 units of vitamin A per ounce, besides a lot of the vitamins B, C, E and some G. All of these are a necessity in maintaining a healthy liver.
  • Dandelion is considered to be a bitter herb that is used by herbalists as a diuretic and a urinary tract cleanser. The diuretic properties in Dandelion may assist the liver in converting the ammonia in the prefiltered blood to uric acid in preparation for elimination.
  • Dandelion supports a healthy liver function. The polysaccharides in Dandelion are thought reduce stress on the liver and support its ability to produce bile. Those polysaccharides are also said to assist the liver filter potentially harmful chemicals out of your blood.
  • Dandelion is also a good source of Vitamin C, one of the most helpful vitamins for the immune system.

Milk Thistle:

Milk thistle is a flowering plant that comes from the same family of plants as the daisy. It grows naturally in Mediterranean countries.

Different parts of the milk thistle plant may be used to as health supplements.

The most common use of Milk Thistle is to support liver function.

Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) has been used traditionally for over 2,000 years as an herbal health supplement.

Some of the uses show to support liver, kidney, and gall bladder function.

Scientific studies suggest that substances in milk thistle (especially a flavonoid called silymarin) support the liver when filtering toxins.

Silymarin is the main active ingredient in milk thistle.

Silymarin is an antioxidant.

Silymarin may support the liver while the liver repairs itself by promoting new cell growth. Milk Thistle has an abundance of antioxidants and they are thought to promote liver function. Free radicals can be produced when your liver metabolizes toxic substances. Antioxidants are thought to eliminate free radicals.


Cleavers (Galium aparine) is an herb found around the world in Europe, North America, Asia, Greenland, and Australia. Cleavers is described as an edible weed or a wildflower.

Cleavers is believed to support the immune system and have diuretic effects.

Cleavers also supports the lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system is responsible for clearing extracellular waste from the body.

Once cleared the lymphatic system then moves the waste to the liver for final filtration. Cleavers may support and protect the liver by stimulating bile production. Bile assists the liver's cleansing process by preventing clogs in the bile ducts and promoting better filtration. The cooling and diuretic effect of Cleavers is believed to support and cleanse the urinary tract. Other traditional uses of Cleavers are as blood cleansers. Herbal blood cleansers have active compounds that promote purification and detoxification the blood. 

Cleavers are also considered to be an astringent (tightens or shrinks mucous membranes). 

Barberry Bark:

Barberry: (berberis vulgaris), is a shrub that grows tart, red berries.

Barberry is native to parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. Because of the health benefits it is cultivated and can be found all over the world.

Barberry is a plant that’s been used for over 2,500 years as a healthy herbal supplement.

Barberry can be an effective liver cleanse and gallbladder flush agent.

Barberry Bark has a well known compound called berberine. 

The Berberine in Barberry may stimulate the production and secretion of bile.

Bile assists the liver and gall bladder to cleanse and promotes the healthy function of both organs.

Bile is also an important element in the proper digestion process.

The information above is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect or relate to the performance or purpose of any products that contain similar materials.

* "Herbal supplements are not drugs. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."*

Help Me Choose:

What Can Be Done To Keep My LIVER Healthy?

When reading this article please keep in mind that supplements are not drugs. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These articles are truly for your information.

The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body. The heart keeps life giving blood pumping through blood veins. The first stop is the liver. Blood enters the liver through the hepatic artery. This blood is oxygenated as it passed by the lungs. Nutrient rich blood also enters the liver through the hepatic vein. The liver regulates most chemical levels in the blood and excretes a product called bile. This helps carry away waste products from the liver. All the blood leaving the stomach and intestines passes through the liver. The liver processes this blood and breaks down, balances the nutrients and also metabolizes drugs into forms that are easier to use for the rest of the body to use. More than 500 vital functions have been identified with the liver. Once the blood is filtered and conditioned it becomes the source that delivers nutrients to every part of the body.

We exercise to keep our muscles fit. We read, write, and participate in mental puzzles like Sudoku to keep our mind sharp.

What is it that we can do to keep our liver in shape and working properly?

Maintain a healthy weight. Non-alcoholic fatty liver is one of the fastest growing liver issues being reported. Maintaining a healthy weight is important for liver health. If you’re somewhat overweight, and especially if you would categorize yourself as “obese”, you’re in danger of having a fatty liver, which may not function as optimally as it should. Weight loss can play an important part in helping to reduce liver fat.

Going right along with keeping your weight under control is eating a healthy diet. Avoid high calorie-meals, saturated fat, refined carbohydrates (such as white bread, white rice and regular pasta) and sugars. A healthy diet should include plenty of fiber, which you can obtain from fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads, brown rice and some non-sugary cereals. Also eat lean meat including white fish, chicken, pork other than bacon and LEAN red meats, some dairy but not too much (the less processing the better for dairy products). Eat the “good” fats which include fats that are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated such as cold pressed olive oil, nuts, avocados and seeds like sunflower seeds. Finally, hydration is essential, so drink a lot of water. Try to avoid sugary, carbonated soft drinks and an overabundance of alcoholic drinks.

What is it that goes along with maintaining a healthy weight always mentioned after diet? That’s right… EXERCISE! When you exercise consistently, it helps to burn triglycerides for fuel and can also reduce liver fat. Just those benefits alone should get people out walking, running, biking and every other healthy exercise that we do. Diet and exercise are the big two when it comes to keeping your liver healthy.

Limit direct contact with toxins from cleaning and aerosol products, insecticides, chemicals, and additives. Remember that the liver has to deal with all of the toxins that you come in contact with. If the product kills bug or germs, then it’s toxic. Protect yourself with gloves and masks whenever possible if you’re going to use harsh cleaning products or be around pest control chemicals.

Don’t smoke. YEP, if you smoke try to stop. That includes E-cigarettes as well. The only thing that smoking does is to provide a direct pathway for nasty chemicals to enter your body and tax your liver’s production and filtration process.

Drink alcohol responsibly. Alcoholic beverages can create many health problems. They can damage or destroy liver cells and scar your liver. You’ve heard of liver cirrhosis, right? The leading cause of cirrhosis is the abusive consumption of alcohol. We’re not saying that you need to quit but you do need to make sure that you’re controlling the amount you drink and the number of times you drink each week.

There’s more that you can do but what we’ve listed is relative to almost every American. Those are the basic rules for overall health. Watching what you eat and a little exercise will do wonders in getting you and your loved ones on their way to a healthy lifestyle.

The information above is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect or relate to the performance or purpose of any products on this website.

* "Herbal supplements are not drugs. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."*

Health Information:

What is the Liver and what does it do?
Your liver is the human body’s largest solid organ. It weighs around 3 pounds in an average adult and is roughly the size of a football. This organ is vital to the body’s metabolic functions and immune system. As with most of the other major organs its function is vital to life itself.

Liver Functions:

The liver regulates most chemical levels in the blood and excretes a product called bile.

Bile helps to break down fats, preparing them for further digestion and absorption.

The liver processes blood. It breaks down, balances, and creates nutrients for the body to use.

The liver produces of certain proteins for blood plasma.

The liver produces cholesterol and special proteins to help carry fats through the body.

The liver stores and release glucose as needed.The liver processes hemoglobin for use of its iron content.The liver stores iron.

The liver converts harmful ammonia to urea.

Urea is one of the end products of protein metabolism that is excreted in the urine.

The liver clears and cleanses blood of drugs and other harmful substances.

It regulates blood clotting.

The liver is one of the immune system's major defense tools. It produces immune factors and distributes them via the bloodstream.

It clears bilirubin.

If there is a buildup of bilirubin, the skin and eyes turn yellow. This is referred to as jaundice.

To sum it up, the liver is your toxic waste disposal plant, blood cleanser, digestive aid, and chemical balancer. Health and well being would be impossible without the liver functioning properly.

When reading this article please keep in mind that supplements are not drugs. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These articles are truly for your information.

Liver diseases are serious and if you suspect that you have been exposed to them you should immediately consult a professional health care provider. These diseases fall well outside of the capabilities of traditional herbal medicine. That being said it is still important to maintain the healthiest practices for a properly functioning liver.

The information above is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect or relate to the performance or purpose of any products on this website.

* "Herbal supplements are not drugs. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."*


Dandelion (root), Barberry (bark), Milk Thistle (seed), Plantain (leaf), Burdock (root), Oregon Grape (root), Yarrow (herb), Cleavers (herb), Uva Ursi (leaf), Blue Flag (root), Beet (root)

Grandma’s Herbs LIVER formula works well when used along with our KIDNEY formula. They work together synergistically for optimal health and well being.



2 Capsules morning and night. 1 hour after meals when possible.

What’s Included:

1 Bottle of Grandma's Herbs LIVER

100 Capsules


This herbal remedy aids in cleansing and promoting a healthy liver function.

This herbal formula is an excellent cleanser. Cleanse for the health of it!

Maintaining a healthy liver is important to overall health!

Grandma's Herbs LIVER is one of the oldest and best formulas Grandma's Herbs produces.

The information above is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect or relate to the performance or purpose of any products on this website.

* "Herbal supplements are not drugs. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."*

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