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Grandma's Herbs



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  • The herb Mullein has been cultivated in Scotland and England for centuries as an herb used for human health. Historically it was used to support respiratory function..  
  • Mullein contains a good amount of potassium and calcium phosphate.
  • These two organic salts are essential for rebuilding tissue, nervous system function, bone structure and in maintaining general health and well-being. 
  • Mullein leaves and flowers are classified in traditional herbal literature as expectorants (promotes the discharge of mucus), demulcents (soothes mucous membranes) and astringent.  
  • Mullein is known by other names in other ancient cultures. The people of Rome and Ireland called it "lungwort"
  • Many of the herbs were named by these ancient people because of the body part they appeared to benefit. (Muenscher, 1935; DeBray, 1978 {paraphrased not quoted}).
  • Mullein has a long history of use for promoting respiratory function and is currently being studied for more information.


  • The herb Elcampane is categorized as a diuretic, tonic, expectorant, alterative, astringent and is a gentle stimulant.
  • Elcampane has a history of support for the pulmonary system.
  • The pulmonary system is defined as the specialized organs, collectively, concerned with external respiration: in humans and other mammals it includes the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, lungs, diaphragm and the sinus'
  • Elcampane has been used for many hundreds of years to support the healthy function of the lungs, and sinus cavity.
  • Elcampane is classified as an expectorant.
  • The expulsion of mucus is very important to the proper function of the lungs and sinus.
  • It is also an astringent which is said to shrink or contract skin and other tissue like mucus membrane.


  • Bayberry is a large, irregularly shaped evergreen shrub.
  • It grows very fast with dense branches. The berries are dark blue signaling that they are full of great antioxidants.
  • Bayberry's claims to health benefits of are primarily due to its astringent effects.
  • Astringents generally support the digestive system and respiratory system.
  • Bayberry contains tannins that have a drying effect on skin and membranes.
  • Bayberry contains an active flavonoid called Myricetin. It is extracted from the fruits, barks, leaves, and roots of the plant.
  • It is very well known for the biologic effect of antioxidant and radical scavenging activities.
  • During the 19th century Samuel Thomson, a New England herbalist and father of 'physiomedicalism' described Bayberry as second only to red pepper for producing 'heat' within the body. Thomson recommended it for respiratory support and most particularly as an agent to increase the 'vital force', related to the body's intrinsic ability to return to health.


The information above is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect or relate to the performance or purpose of any products that contain similar materials.

* "Herbal supplements are not drugs. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."*

Help Me Choose:

Healthy Breathing

What Do My Lungs Actually Do?

Let’s start with the basics. The best-known organs in the respiratory system are the lungs. The lungs are where all of the magic happens. They are where the exchange of oxygen into the body for carbon dioxide being sent out of the body happens. As we all know oxygen is absolutely necessary for every cell in the entire body to function. The “magic that I refer to isn’t the rise and fall that we see as lung function. It is the gathering of oxygen in a gaseous form then making it bioavailable in a liquid form so that it can be introduced into the blood while at the same time extracting the carbon dioxide from its liquid form and changing it into a gas so that it can be expelled. That’s why I call it “magic”. That function alone supplies the whole body and every living cell in it with the oxygen needed to function as a living being.

The ”Basic” Anatomy of the Lungs.

Lungs look to be simplistic from the outside but are actually incredibly complex. The parts of the respiratory system enveloped in the chest cavity consist of the larynx, trachea, primary bronchi, secondary bronchi, tertiary bronchi, bronchioles, alveolar duct and last but certainly not least the alveoli.

Outside air containing oxygen enters through the larynx and trachea into the bronchial system. There are fifteen levels in the bronchial system. The bronchial system is formed much like a tree starting with a trunk and continually dividing itself into smaller but more numerous branches. All of their branches are able to expand and contract with the inhale and exhale motions of the lungs thereby moving the oxygenated air into all of the smallest branches. The alveolar duct and the alveoli might be seen as the stem and the leaf of the “bronchial tree”. The alveolar duct and the alveoli are where the actual exchange of oxygen for carbon dioxide happens.

What Can Keep the Lungs From Functioning Properly?

The lungs aren’t just big empty space on the inside that fill with air and then empty again. They are nearly full of membranes that divide down to a thin bulb that allows the exchange of gasses but keeps liquids in their place. The inside of the lungs needs to be a warm moist sterile environment in order to work perfectly. The body supplies the warmth, and the moisture needed to function properly, and the immune system works hard to keep the environment in the lung sterile even though the outside environment is full of irritants like germs, bacteria, allergens, and pollutants.

Believe it or not one of the primary defenses is mucus. Not only does mucus lubricate all of the membranes in the lungs but it also surrounds or envelopes that irritants and is then moved up the respiratory tree to be expelled in a cough a sneeze or even when blowing one’s nose.

However, there are times when those irritants overwhelm the respiratory system, and the defenses afforded by the immune system. Often these aliments are accompanied by swollen membranes in the lungs and or the sinus cavities causing a great amount of discomfort. Plus, our wonderful immune system goes into overdrive and produces an overabundance of mucus, all of which needs to be expelled by blowing our nose, coughing, or sneezing.

Even though it is annoying to have to cough or sneeze a one might have to endure a little raw skin on the nose because of the consistent need to use a tissue to blow your nose you can take solace in the fact that all of this is due to your immune system doing its best to defend your lungs against their would-be attackers.

What Can I Do to Keep My Lungs At Their Healthiest?

In some ways lungs are different from most of the other organs in the body. They consist of delicate tissues are directly connected to, and possibly affected by the outside environment. There is no avoiding breathing but there are some things that can give you an edge in the defense of your respiratory system.

Here are some “best practices” for overall respiratory health.

  • Stop smoking and vaping! And avoid secondhand smoke whenever possible.
  • It is well known that smoking is bad for your health. Smoking is known to cause serious lung issues.
  • Smoking can block or harden parts of the lungs making it hard and eventually impossible to breathe.
  • The TAR in the smoke that you inhale is very similar to the TAR that you drive on. Think about that!!!
  • Vaping is no better. There are heavy metals in the form of microscopic razor-sharp shards that can eventually cause damage to your lungs.
  • Avoid indoor and outdoor air pollution.
  • It’s impossible to avoid all air pollution. Just be aware of it and do your best.
  • Avoid exposure to people who have viral infections. like the cold or the flu.
  • This is especially important now. Protecting your lungs should be foremost on your minds. Be selective about the people and events that you socialize at. Be cautious.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • There are so many positive benefits that come from exercise.
  • Lungs benefit from the deeper breathing that comes from vigorous exercises
  • Immune systems are also benefitted by exercise.
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Healthy and balanced it the key. Try to avoid most deep-fried fatty foods.
  • A balanced diet is very important because your body needs a little of everything to get all of the nutrition needed to maintain overall health.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Believe it or not obesity is a key element in maintaining a healthy immune system. Some people simply have slower metabolisms and will carry a little extra weight. That’s okay but it’s still a best practice to eat healthy and exercise so that you’re at your best.
  • Get regular check-ups with your healthcare provider.
  • Unfortunately, many people ignore respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath or a cough that won’t go away. If you’re experiencing these kinds of problems, it’s time to check in with your healthcare provider.

If you’re a smoker or former smoker and think you’ve already damaged your lungs, try not to despair. You can still improve your respiratory health so that you can lead an active lifestyle. Keep working on the diet and the exercise. Do everything that you can to be your healthiest you.

The information above is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect or relate to the performance or purpose of any products on this website.

* "Herbal supplements are not drugs. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."*

Health Information:

The Respiratory System:

The Purpose of the Respiratory System:

  • The lungs and respiratory system allow oxygen in the air to be taken into the body, while also enabling the body to get rid of carbon dioxide in the air breathed out.
  • Respiration is the term for the exchange of oxygen from the environment for carbon dioxide from the body's cells.

The respiratory system consists of:

  • Nose and Nasal Cavity. 
  • Mouth.
  • Pharynx.
  • Larynx.
  • Trachea.
  • Bronchi and Bronchioles.
  • Lungs.
  • Muscles of Respiration.


Mucus and the respiratory system.

  • Mucus is a slippery aqueous secretion produced by, and covering, mucous membranes. We commonly call it phlegm, snot or sputum.
  • Mucus and its function.
  • Mucus coats and protects the mucous membranes.
  • Healthy production of mucus protects and is part of the defense for the respiratory system.
  • Mucus engulfs things that are foreign and acts as an elimination tool for the respiratory system.
  • Mucus is eliminated through the digestive tract and through the nose and mouth (blowing your nose or spitting it out through your mouth).
  • The production of mucus is necessary for the respiratory system to function at the healthiest levels.
  • Too much mucus!!!
  • Too much mucus can be a sign that there are health issues related to the respiratory system.
  • When there are irritants in the air our body naturally produces more mucus to aid in the defense against the irritants.
  • A runny nose, sinus congestion, a cough or lung congestion are signs that too much mucus being produced. The body's defense (the immune system) typically produces an overabundance of mucus when the respiratory system is being attacked.
  • People cough when the lining of the windpipe or the upper lobes of the lungs become irritated.
  • The actual action of coughing is an attempt to eliminate respiratory irritants with the phlegm or extra mucus that enveloped the irritants. 
  • Often times the sinus cavity can fill and be accompanied by a slight swelling of the mucus membrane. These actions may result in what we call a "sinus headache". Too much mucus can also fill and put pressure on the sinus cavities. We often refer that to a sinus headache.

The information above is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect or relate to the performance or purpose of any products on this website.

* "Herbal supplements are not drugs. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."*


Mullein (leaf), Bayberry (bark), Horehound (leaf), Bladder Pod (herb), Heal All (herb), Elecampane (root), Yerba Santa (herb), Plantain (herb), Nettle (leaf), Coltsfoot (flower), Cayenne (fruit 40 HU), Lungwort (herb)


2 Capsules 3 times a day 1/2 hour before meals when possible. May use more as needed.

What’s Included:

1 Bottle of Grandma's Herbs RESPIRATORY

  • 100 Capsules 


This all-natural formula is designed to promote respiratory function.

  • Mullein has been cultivated in Scotland and also in England for centuries. Traditionally it was used to naturally support healthy respiratory function.
  • Elecampane is traditionally used to expel mucus. It is in the expectorant category.
  • This has been a great formula for use in the cold months of winter!
  • Contains herbs in the expectorant astringent and stimulant herbal categories.

The information above is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect or relate to the performance or purpose of any products that contain similar materials.

* "Herbal supplements are not drugs. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."*

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