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Grandma's Herbs

Total Blood Cleanser Package

Total Blood Cleanser Package

Regular price $57.65 USD
Regular price $67.70 USD Sale price $57.65 USD
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Red Clover:

  • Herbalists believe that Red Clover "purifies" the blood by acting as a diuretic (helping the body get rid of excess fluid) and as an expectorant (helping clear mucus).
  • The two actions of Red Clover acting together are believed to improve oxygen exchange and support healthy lung function.
  • The diuretic action of Red Clover may assist in improving circulation, and thereby support and cleanse the liver.
  • Red Clover's brightly colored flowers contain many nutrients including calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and vitamin C. They're also a rich source of isoflavones.The vitamins and minerals may be what make it so effective for overall health. Cleansing isn't just an elimination process. It also involves re-nutrifying all of those organs that have been working so hard.


  • This back yard weed is categorized diuretic.  Diuretics are used to increase the flow of liquid through the kidney and urinary tract.
  • The toxins carried out through the kidney increase as the fluid the kidney filters increases. Any good kidney cleanse should include a diuretic like Dandelion to help complete the task.


Oregon Grape:

  • Oregon grape root uses have traditionally included liver function and gall bladder function. The liver function makes Oregon Grape an obvious blood cleanser.
  • The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants lists increased gall bladder function as one of its many attributes. The gall bladder produces bile. Bile aids the elimination of toxins/ waste products in the small intestine.
  • These Oregon Grape attributes help in showing why it should be included in a great detox formula.


Burdock Root:

  • In traditional herbal texts, burdock root is described as a “blood purifier” or as an “alterative” and was believed to clear the bloodstream of toxins.
  • In the book; Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC and James F. Balch, M.D. Burdock Root is described as
  • a: "powerful antioxidant, capable of scavenging hydrogen peroxide and superoxide radicals. It also showed a scavenging effect against hydroxyl.
  • "They continue by stating that Burdock "aids elimination of excess fluid, uric acid and toxins.
  • "Burdock is also traditionally used to promote healthy liver and gall bladder function.


  • During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries plantain was listed as one of the nine sacred herbs in the ancient Lacnunga, a collection of Anglo-Saxon texts.
  • It was used as oral and topical applications to promote health and applied as a poultice on minor bites and scratches.
  • Plantain, referred to as “Life Medicine”, by the Native Americans. It is used as a medicinal plant is many different cultures because it is one of the most common plants in the world. The Native Americans believed that it absorbed and removed toxins from the digestive tract.
  • Plantain as a topical application can be soothing and cooling.
  • Another use of plantain is as a GREAT health food. It is fried, baked and char broiled and makes an excellent side dish to just about any meal.

Pau D' Arco:

  • Scientists have identified two active chemicals in pau d' arco. These chemicals are called naphthoquinones: lapachol and beta-lapachone. 
  • Pau D' Arco is an herbal supplement made from the inner bark of several species of Tabebuia trees that grow in the Amazonian rainforests of Brazil as well as rainforests of Central and South America.
  • Pau D' Arco extract contains a potent antioxidant known as quercetin thought to influence overall health.

Black Walnut Hulls:

  • The black walnut (Juglans nigra) has been a nutritious addition to the diets of individuals since ancient times, from the Native American to Asian cultures.
  • One of the key active components of the black walnut hull is juglone.
  • It’s been suggested that the biological activity of the black walnut hull is due to the naphthoquinone, juglone (5-hydroxy-1,4 naphthoquinone).The activity of juglone has also been compared to some of the best health supplements on the market.
  • Napthoquinine juglone has been of great clinical interest since these compounds exhibit strong activity. A series of 50 naphthoquinone derivatives was synthesized and evaluated for their health promoting properties.

The studies sited above are for informational purposes only. They do not reflect or relate to the performance or purpose of any products that contain similar materials.

Help Me Choose:

Since ancient times people have felt that the blood and circulatory system can and should be purified from time to time. It used to be the custom to eat certain herbs every spring to purify and cleanse the circulatory system.
Blood cleansing or detoxification is a tradition that many cultures support. It is said that the free radicals and toxins that accumulate in the blood system can be filtered out with the use of certain herbs. The process is well known and used all over the world. Some cleanses are said to work by stimulating the filtering organs while others work by using ingredients that have an abundance of natural antioxidants.

What is a Blood Cleanse?

A blood cleanse is a detoxification process in which the body's filtration system is activated and the blood is, in a manner of speaking, renewed. Blood cleanses are designed to promote overall health and well-being. 

To better explain a blood cleanse, you could think of some other things that rely heavily on filters to keep everything performing in the best possible way. A car is a great comparison. The way it powers itself to move from point A to point B is to burn fuel as its energy source. In comparison people use food as their energy source. In a car the fuel has to be mixed with oxygen and then burned to produce the energy. People need oxygen as an addition to the food. It's used a little differently but still introduces some of the same issues as is does with the car. The fuel and the oxygen both have contaminants that need to be filtered out in order for the car's engine to perform at its best. The food we eat and the air that we breath both introduce contaminants that somehow have to be filtered or cleansed out. The cleansing process in a car is simple... just change the oil, oil filter and the air intake filter and presto... the car gets its cleanse. With people it's not possible to change the filter so we have to give them a good cleansing. A blood cleansing supplement is a great way to initiate those cleanses. Blood cleansing is a great way to detoxify all of the inner workings of the body.

What are the organs that filter toxins? 

Most people think that the kidney and the liver are the only filters used to detoxify the body. The truth is that there are six different detoxifying systems.

The first and most obvious are the kidney and the liver. Then the lymph system, the lungs, the colon and finally the skin round out the rest of the major filtration systems. Each of the toxic waste filters have their own function. Below I'll describe what each of the organs do.


The major function of the kidneys is to remove waste products and excess fluid from the body. These waste products and excess fluid are removed through the urine.


The liver's main job is to filter the toxins from the blood that comes from the digestive tract, before passing it to the rest of the body. 

Lymph System

The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. The other primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing white blood cells, throughout the body. 


The lungs and respiratory system are essential for drawing oxygen from the air into the body and expelling carbon dioxide with each exhalation. They are also equipped to filter out impurities and pathogens from the air, regardless of pollution levels. The colon, a segment of the large intestine, concludes the digestive process. It is responsible for reclaiming fluids and readying waste materials from the body for expulsion.


The skin is the largest filter in the body, serving as a secondary support for other detoxifying organs. When toxins overwhelm the colon or the liver is unable to efficiently filter impurities from the digestive tract, the skin steps in by expelling toxins through its surface. This is often referred to as sweating out toxins. The detoxification process can manifest as body odor, skin rashes, abscesses, or minor skin irritations. As the body's largest organ, the skin's primary function is to eliminate an overload of toxins.

Why is it important to cleanse?

Virtually everyone needs it to some degree. We all come in contact with toxins every day. Toxins exist in foods, polluted air and contaminated water. Other contributors are bad habits like smoking or drinking alcoholic or sugary soft drinks.

Keep in mind that the purpose of the bloodstream, and the lymphatic system, is to carry oxygen and nourishment to the muscles, and organs in the body. Toxins in the bloodstream diminish that purpose. It is said that when there is more waste than is able to be filtered the waste just continues to circulate.

When the body absorbs too many toxins to completely filter, the bloodstream and lymphatic system can become polluted. The process of detoxifying becomes bogged down and the filtering organs have to work harder to keep up. Over time the overworked organs stop functioning as well as they could.

Whether you feel that you have toxins that need to be filtered out or just want to be preventative and healthy, there's value in detoxing or blood cleansing throughout your life. The liver, one of your body’s detoxifying organs, is constantly filtering blood to strip away any chemicals or toxins that may have ended up in your bloodstream. You can support your liver by using blood-cleansing herbs periodically throughout your life.



Drink sugary soft drinks or alcoholic drinks

Eat food with preservatives

Live in a large city with unhealthy air pollutants

Work around toxic chemicals on a daily basis

You should probably consider a blood cleanse!

Health Information: 



Echinacea Angustifolia (root), Red Clover (blossoms), Plantain (herb), Chaparral (leaf), Sage Brush (leaf), Blue Flag (root), Pau D' Arco (bark), Oak (bark), Dandelion (herb), Burdock (root), Sheep Sorrel (herb), Cascara Sagrada (bark), Turkey Rhubarb (root), Black Walnut (hulls), Clove (buds), Blue Violet (herb), Yellow Dock (root), Aloe (leaf), Celandine (herb), Calendula (flower), Poke (root), Buckthorn (bark), Oregon Grape (root), Sassafras (bark), Sarsaparilla (root)


Red Clover (tops), Chaparral (herb), Licorice (root), Stillingia (root), Prickly Ash (bark), Burdock (root), Poke (root), Oregon Grape (root), Buckthorn (bark)


Burdock (root), Cascara Sagrada (bark), Red Clover (tops), Plantain (leaf), Chaparral (herb), Red Raspberry (leaf), Buckthorn (bark), Marshmallow (root), Calendula (flower), Aloe (herb), Licorice (root)


Burdock (root), Pau D' Arco (bark), Cleavers (herb), Licorice (root), Slippery Elm (bark), Black Walnut (hulls), Buckthorn (bark), Calendula (flowers), Turkey Rhubarb (root), Canaigre (herb), Aloe (herb)


This package is designed to be a long-term complete cleanse. Take all 4 of the Blood Cleansers, 1 bottle at a time until you have completely consumed all 4 bottles. Each bottle will take just over two weeks to consume. This Systemic Detox should last nine to ten weeks and should be repeated annually or semi-annually.


Take 3 capsules twice a day or 2 capsules three times a day. Take until all product from both bottles have been consumed.


Take 3 capsules twice a day or 2 capsules three times a day till gone.


Take 3 capsules twice a day or 2 capsules three times a day till gone.


Take 3 capsules twice a day or 2 capsules three times a day. Till gone. This is the final step of our four phase cleansing series.

What’s Included:

2 Bottles of Grandma's Herbs PHASE I BLOOD CLEANSER

100 Capsules - 490 mg.1 Bottle of Grandma's Herbs PHASE II BLOOD CLEANSER100 Capsules - 450 mg.1 Bottle of Grandma's Herbs PHASE III BLOOD CLEANSER100 Capsules - 460 mg.1 Bottle of Grandma's Herbs PHASE IV BLOOD CLEANSER100 Capsules - 480 mg.


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